Friday, December 04, 2009

Carry me through.....

I'm in a much better mood compared to yest and feel much more at peace with myself today.
Perhaps, it has to do with the rainy weather that permeated our sunny island the entire day.
Or maybe, it was the fact that after slaving over my macroecons essay for half the day, I've finally completed it.
But most of all, I think it's cuz i rediscovered Kristin Armstrong's blog on Runners
I used to read her blog frequently back when i was still in touch with my running soul.

Suddenly remembered it this mornin, read it and that was it.
She never fails to inspire me.
Not just her commitment to running but also her gratitude for her life and everyone and everything she loves.
She wrote about a friend who used running to get over a relationship and hence now associates running with loneliness and heartbreak which was her friend has never ran after her heart has healed.

She wrote about running in the rain being liberating and allowing us to relieve our childhood days as we prance around the rain, stepping over muddy puddles.
That was exactly how I felt as I swaim in the heavy rain yesterday. The pitter pattering rain drops felt so good as it hit upon my face. The pool water felt warm as I surged forth with every stroke. I love dancing in the rain, splashing through water, getting my hair all wet and enjoying a nice, hot shower after that. The child in us always yearns for that but the adult in us requires us to put on a socially accepted facade. Still, letting go every now and then brings about so much fun and freedom. n i think we need that in our lives.

I know that I've turned my back on running and realised that not running has actually made me a less contented person. I have more grievances, I fail to see matters beyong my perspective, I doubt myself and my abilities. But most of all, I feel like I've lost part of myself.

I yearn to find that me again. The energetic, confident ger who could still find the strength and stamina to go for a 20km run with my training buddy after two gruelling hours in the gym. The one who signed up for every single race in the calender year and steadfastedly trained for it.

I've not gone for a single race this entire year. The Standchart Half Marathon will be my first race this year. Despite the fact that I've not trained for it at all, I'm determined to go for it. Crawl as I might, i simply hope to finish the race and find back the exuberation that I once used to indulge in after every single race.

And I think i'll go for a jog later, just to stretch out those legs of mine.
I want to jog past our future house and see how many stories they have completed.
The sense of anticipation should carry me well through the rain splattered streets... =)

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Dreams to ashes...

Pre-martial woes....n super early ones...
Facebook is not the ideal place to release one's emotions n neither do i wish to confide in anyone so i guess this blog shall be my refuge, better since it has been dormant for some time n nobody reads it animore.

I dun understand. Can't a ger even dream?? Almost every ger dream of having a dream wedding, decked out in fairytale like finery to celebrate what is always thought of as e happiest day in her life.

I know the limits n i'm also willing to cut down on alot of frills n stuff n just opt for e basics, even the gown itself. But can't i even dream about my kind of wedding? Can't I even surf the net to check out the resplendent gowns even though i know i wun hv the chance to wear them?

I read my blog entries frm a few yrs back n realised sthg. Fight as i may, deny as i wish, being in a relationship has changed me. i'm less myself now. i meet up less often with frens. I shelve my exercise plans on wkends. It's entirely my own choice n i hv no one else to blame.

Anyways, i'm sick and tired of all e incessant fights over something that should be a happy event.
The happiest event in my life.
How ironic.
I haven't blogged such raw emotions for so long.
But i need it and i'm going to cast all my inhibitions aside.
Because this is my space.
and if i want to rant and vent, i shall do that.

I've packed away my enthusiasm, hopes and joy in a little box and tucked them away in my heart.
Perhaps, they may never see daylight again.
So be it, if that's the case.