Today's run was gd, I whacked a 10km at a decent speed...
so felt pretty accomplished..
e onli thing was tt for e third wkend in a row, I failed to go shop for my work necessities again!
Gers lurve shopping.
I'm a ger.
So it baffles me why i find it easier to head out for a 10k run than brave e GSS crowd on a Sunday to shop for much needed stuff.
I reallie need to ged in touch with my feminine side...all bt for e sole reason tt i DUN hv enuff work clothes!!!
I feel all rejuvenated n pysched up nw, all ready for e work wk ahead!
hahahaa...yeah I understand what u mean about shopping..can't stand it sometimes too. And hey. Did u take that sunset photo? Or is it something u got off the Net? It's nice...
he he...of cuz i took it frm e net...
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