Of Nostalgia...
"The Politics of Nostalgia" By Christopher Lasch
"To cling to the past is bad enough, but the victim of nostalgia clings to an idealized past, one that exists only in his head. He is worse than a reactionary; he is an incurable sentimentalist. Afraid of the future, he is also afraid to face the truth about the past."
Was studying AI and this struck a chord...
It is indeed more comfortable for me to think about where I have been than to think of where I'm going....
"To cling to the past is bad enough, but the victim of nostalgia clings to an idealized past, one that exists only in his head. He is worse than a reactionary; he is an incurable sentimentalist. Afraid of the future, he is also afraid to face the truth about the past."
Was studying AI and this struck a chord...
It is indeed more comfortable for me to think about where I have been than to think of where I'm going....
I think u'r headed for interesting times ahead, at least u'll be travelling a bit. Truth be told, my impression is that u have quite a bit going for u at the moment, dun worry !
[otherwise can bring u to the Iching master to make happy alterations hahah]
haha, wad's e Iching master?
haha, i tell u next time, remind me.
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