Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Morn run

hven't been out on a morn run for ages, ever since I sprained my ankle end Feb....today, managed to ged myself out of bed n headed out for a run at 5am, did 10km....it feels gd to be running in e wee hrs of e morn when half e world is still sleeping. Been addicted to Mayday's Superman, e song's reallie gd! Spent a few hrs in e lib dg up my stuff but once i ged hm, i ged pretty zonked out, been slacking till nw...sigh, i am so counterproductive at nite.

On a brighter note, it's bdae wk tis wk...celebrating jj n Juan's bdae on Thursday n Yt's one on Sat...all 3 of my dearie gerfrens....wish them all early/belated happy 23rd bdae!


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